
Every Donation Counts

Our Bank Details.

Kiwoko hospital is a Church of Uganda hospital that is registered with the Ugandan Ministry of Health (Registration Number:). You can give to Kiwoko through the hospital’s bank account. Please see details below.

Name: Stanbic Bank

Branch: Luwero Branch

Account Name: Kiwoko Hospital

Account Number: 9030005970384

Swift Code: SBICUGKX

Sort Code: 042047


Kiwoko needs your support!

Uganda is a landlocked country with a fast-growing population and a high fertility rate (4.665 births per woman) where a significant 75.05% of the population is rural. The country’s health system is characterised by a heavy burden of communicable diseases, high levels of maternal and child mortality and a growing prevalence of non-communicable diseases. Quality health care is scarcely available or unaffordable for most people living in rural/remote areas. Kiwoko hospital being a rural health facility whose annual budget (approximately 60%) is funded by partners and individual donors has and continues to:

We offer quality and affordable health care services to the poor and vulnerable people living in Nakaseke, Luwero, Nakasongola and beyond (Central Uganda).

Extend free HIV/AIDs services to the community that it serves.

Provide free mental health and epilepsy treatment to its patients.

Ensure that pregnant women receive life-saving antenatal care, deliver safely and have access to postnatal, family planning and newborn care services.

Bring essential health services like immunization, antenatal & postnatal care, closer to households through its Community Based Health Care program.

Kiwoko hospital is in position to achieve the above with the support of partners and donors. We can do more with your support.

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